The World has  197 Countries in which 167 are Democratic Countries and governed by Constitution both written and Unwritten which govern the countries with laws and regulations.  Crimes rates vary from one country to another. While rates of Robbery,  Violence and muder being the most common and others include the Human Trafficking crimes which are rising at a very alarming rate. 
Human Trafficking is the trade of human beings for the purpose of forced labour, sex slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others.  

According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crimes,  The 2020 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons shows that 50 per cent of detected victims in 2018 were trafficked for sexual exploitation, 38 per cent were exploited for forced labour, six per cent were subjected to forced criminal activity, while one per cent were coerced into begging and smaller numbers into forced marriages, organ removal, and other purposes. 

Traffickers use the following methods in getting people to traffic.
People get threats on different matters such on dept,  individuals might be in a dept bondage and are threatened and forced to work inorder to payback what they owe but ends up in forced no pay labour for several years and mistreatment. 

Abduction has been one of the used ways of human Trafficking.  Majority of abductions cases concern children,  when they are heading to school or playing  unsupervised or unaccompanied by parents, guardian or an adult. Anyone is vulnerable to abduction as Human Traffickers are highly operational even though some of the tracking cases remain hidden due to fear of being known by the traffickers as it is estimated be a Multi Million dollars business even though it is illegal. 

Someone posses as a lover and forms a romantic relationship with the one they intend to Trafficking. The trafficker builds a very strong of love and trust and talks of the future and asks the lady to move together where they could have a new beginning together.  In most cases the man relocates with the woman to a foreign country where the woman does not understand the local language therefore its only the Man who can communicate with her. This move by trafficker keeps the lady isolated away from family and friends.  As she is forced into prostitution that's is when she releases she has been trafficked and the man was opposing as a lover  is a Human Trafficker. 

4. Sale by family and Recruitment through former slaves.
Due to high rate of poverty, the trafficker uses this weakness and their vulnerability to purchase someone  and also promises or assures  the family all is well . 

It happens that you get false promises of better jobs, better income, education in potential victims. Parents who are in poverty might give away their child to someone they trust who has promised to take care of the child and supporting it educating them. But the child ends up in forced labour, prostitution and other trafficked purpose. 

Human Trafficking has long time effect on people trafficked,  might have been lucky escape or  rescued. It effects them and the society  in the following ways 

Physical trauma is a serious injury (s) to the body of the trafficked  person who is subjected to beatings, torture and harsh treatment of forced labour, prostitution and other things mostly happens when they fail to complete with the traffickers or masters.

It effects the persons emotions  cause wide range of emotions due to being trafficked. 
It developes as a result  of experiencing stressful events. The Trauma have also lead to suicide cases. Some of the people who survived human Trafficking experience Post syndrome Traumatic Disorders (PSTD). 

Many People don’t feel comfortable going out in public because of the possibility of being trafficked . It causes terror and fear in the society. 

Women and children who are trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation are at a very high risk of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. This spreads  the diseases among wider society. Putting many lives at stake.
  to the Kenyan Law , upon proven guilty of human Trafficking one shall be prosecuted under The Counter-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2010 that  criminalizes sex trafficking and labor trafficking and prescribes penalties of 30 years’ to life imprisonment, a fine of not less than 30 million Kenyan shillings ($274,980) or both.
 Poster to Stop Human Trafficking 

1.Bring awareness to your Friends and Family  
2.Volunteer with a local organisation Advocating the end of trafficking 
3. Use Social Media to create online awareness campaigns.
4. Call the Police if you notice suspicious activity that might involve human Trafficking 
5. Be Knowledge on  Human Trafficker tricks and avoid falling to victimisation.

United Nations Office of Drugs and Crimes 
Mayo Clinic 
Kenyan Constitution 


  1. We're the ones to stop this and make sure those people are off the streets so we can avoid such cases

  2. This acts are very serious and they need well elevated solutions to curb this situation......and it starts with you as an individual

  3. Be keen everytime, saying hi to strangers is the last thing I do nowadays 😒heri wanitusi😂😂


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