
Veteran News Anchor Catherine Kasavuli Dead After Battle With Cervical Cancer.

Veteran News Anchor Catherine Kasavuli Dead After Battle With Cancer.  The news of her demise was confirmed by the acting Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) Managing Director, Samuel Maina who confirmed that Kasavuli passed away on the 29th of December in Kenyatta National Hospital while receiving treatment.  "Kasavuli passed on yesterday night. Her death related to the cancer ailment that she's been bravely fighting in the recent past," Maina told the media. She passed away at the Kenyatta National Hospital aged 60 years after a battle with cervical cancer. Kasavuli had updated the public on her health journey which was tough and left her appealing for blood donation in the past few days before she succumbed to the illness yesterday evening.  In her last social media post, the veteran news anchor revealed that she lost her sister five years ago to Cancer leaving behind a son and family in sorrow. But this time she was confident that she will win the battle


The World has  197 Countries in which 167 are Democratic Countries and governed by Constitution both written and Unwritten which govern the countries with laws and regulations.  Crimes rates vary from one country to another. While rates of Robbery,  Violence and muder being the most common and others include the Human Trafficking crimes which are rising at a very alarming rate.  Human Trafficking is the trade of human beings for the purpose of forced labour, sex slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others.   According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crimes,  The  2020 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons  shows that 50 per cent of detected victims in 2018 were trafficked for sexual exploitation, 38 per cent were exploited for forced labour, six per cent were subjected to forced criminal activity, while one per cent were coerced into begging and smaller numbers into forced marriages, organ removal, and other purposes.  Traffickers use


 Fertility cycle  'Safe days' is one of the natural method of Family Planning where many couples use since they do not want have prescribed contraceptive pills. It is majorly an observation by women  on the calendar days after their menstruation. Safe days as the term used, when one can have penetrative unprotected sexual intercourse and not getting pregnant.    The practise of Safe Days Family Planning method solemly depends on your menstruation cycle. If your average menstrual cycle is 28 days then   ovulation takes place around the 14th day and your most fertile days are days 12, 13 and 14. And If your average menstrual cycle is 35 days then ovulation happens around day 21 and your most fertile days are day 19, 20 and 21. This simply means the days before and after the fertility period are your "safe days ".    This method requires one to accurately know their menstruation cycle.   Safe days method is not a guarantee  not to  conceiving but can be a gua


The Earth is at high risk to drying up due to global warming. This situation did not just emerge rather it is a disastrous process. Global warming  refers to the long term warming effect of the earth climate that has continously been observed since the pre industrial period. It occurs when carbon dioxide and other air pollutants collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiations that have bounced off the earth surface. The pollutants last for years to centuries in the atmosphere ,trap the heat causing the planet to get hotter. GREENHOUSE EFFECT Greenhouse effect is a good thing since it warms up the planet to favourable degrees for human beings and animals to inhabit. However the burning of fossil fuels by human beings since the pre-industrial period has amplied the greenhouse effect causing the temperatures in the planet to rise up. This results to global warming . CAUSES OF GLOBAL WARMING. 1. Industrial activity Burning of fossil fuels release carbon diox


You might be having a hard time in the bedroom or you might think  you have it all but still feel like you need to add some spark in the bedroom. Trying out new things is an  amazing feeling but it depends what you or your patner is willing to try because not all said works 100% . Weed has been 75% used as a bedroom  booster which has not been Scientific proven .  Marijuana is commonly used as Recreational drug by many Youths and also used to make one get Sexual appetite and boost bedroom moments among the youths who are sexually active though it may lead to health Hazards. An interview by a Man Jimmy( not his real name) shared his experience how he started using Marijuana.   "I was introduced to bhang by my Girlfriend whom felt like marijuana could make the sexual activities be more fun since she always said my game was abit boring. I used marijuana as it made me high, stimulated and more active but it didn't not boost my performance


 IS IT LOVE OR OBSSESSION - TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS  Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world as most people describe. Some individuals explain love to be a special kind of uncontrollable affection towards someone. It takes courage and commitment to be in a relationship with the person you love. Remember that not everyone is in a relationship with the person they love.    Campus is known for love Growth, love couple goals, love circles to love triangles but it all depends in individuals.  Campus relationship can be life changing.  Some couples end up  Majority of Relationship have Challenges in Campus, men see alot of other beautiful women in the Campus while women are lured in to relationship byy older men who are wealthy.  As much as love is concerned some individuals get obsessed  with their patners and  sometimes it ends up in Crimes of Passion.  FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO LOVE CRIMES  1. Love Triangles  When there is more than more person loving your lover . This makes


 Have you ever seen someone getting an Asthma Attack and you felt you could lose them in some minutes? Well indeed It is a very Scary experience as it could be a matter of life and Death.  Asthma   is a condition in which a person's windpipe becomes  swollen, produce extra mucus and narrows as a result makes   breathing difficult.  It also triggers coughing, a whistling sound  when you breathe out and shortness of breath. According  to the Kenya Health Demographic Survey , 10% of the    Kenyan population or  4 million people, have Asthma and the cases are still rising spontaneously.   Asthma Occurs effects one differently, some may experience Mild symptoms and other severe symptoms that could lead to Death.  Here are some of the Asmtha attack levels  1)Mild intermittent  Mild symptoms up to two days a week and up to two nights a month 2)Mild persistent Symptoms occur  more than twice a week, but no more than once in a single day 3) Moderate persistent Symptoms oc